Vince Santoro
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"However great a man’s natural talent may be, the act of writing cannot be learned all at once."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
About me

History is filled with facts. But the emotions, the senses, and the places surrounding those facts can only be brought to life with the stroke of a writer’s pen or in today’s world, a stroke of the keyboard. Then sprinkle it with imagination and you have a story that will make you laugh, cry, think, and perhaps even challenge your own beliefs.
My writing journey began at a young age, spawned by my sister’s love of poetry, my brother’s love of music and the books that became the underpinning of my imagination.
I gravitated towards historical novels - fiction, and non-fiction. When I eventually challenged myself to write a book, I realized that a degree in History was not enough to step into the writer’s world. I needed to learn the craft of writing.
I studied journalism; wrote newsletters and magazine articles; read and re-read books on writing; attended workshops; and of course, sat in solitude and drafted my first manuscript.
As English poet John Donne wrote, no man is an island. And so, I drew on the experiences of fellow writers to help me through my quest. The encouragement from family and friends nurtured my drive never to give up.
As my writing journey continues, I venture to unleash the lessons of life experiences, woven into stories to inspire, to inform and perhaps see the world in a different way.
My Debut Novel

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